Writing Workshops

What do you want to do with your writing? Begin, improve, hone – or just be playful? Or do you want to use it as a tool for reflection and a sense of well-being?

With one of our transformative workshops you can take a deep dive into technique and process with leading writers in our online week-long retreats; or perhaps you prefer an hour of curated conversation for creativity with Kate in our Creative Connections cafés? Or, why not award yourself some space for therapeutic writing with a workshop for wellbeing?

Perhaps you would like to join our small community of writers in our supportive, drop-in on-line space, The Write Place, for a few sessions?

Whatever you are looking for, The Writing Well provides something for everyone.

2024 will see workshops in North Yorkshire again in the spectacular setting of High Paradise. We have a powerful set of workshops planned with a fabulous personal trainer helping women to reclaim their voice and their inner strength. There will be an inspiring set of poetry 101 workshops and, of course, more Haiku!

More workshops coming soon include ‘Novel-writing’, ‘Memoir-writing’, ‘How to Edit your own Work’ and ‘Introduction to Scriptwriting’ – watch this space.

We update these pages with new writing courses, spoken word events, retreats and resources regularly, sign up for our newsletter to be the first to hear more.

Please consider DONATING HERE to help provide access to our workshops





Upcoming writing workshops

Short online writing workshops and courses

We have so much to offer in our small and friendly workshops. Sessions mainly take place in Oxford and London, but we also have run workshops all over the UK and beyond.

New workshops coming soon include February’s Haiku in Winter with Alex Corrin-Tachinbana, ‘Writing the Ode’, ‘Novel-writing’, ‘Memoir-writing’, ‘How to Edit your own Work’, and ‘Introduction to Scriptwriting’ – watch this space.

In-person creative writing workshops

We have so much to offer in our small and friendly workshops. Sessions mainly take place in Oxford, North Yorkshire and London, but we also run workshops all over the UK and beyond.

There are plans afoot for a retreat in Tuscany - more soon!

The popular workshops in the spectacular setting of High Paradise, on the edge of the North York Moors, will return in 2024.

Writing-for-wellbeing workshops

‘Kate is a clever, kind facilitator who includes everyone, keeps the pace, unwrapping our best creative selves. I love it; a doctor should prescribe it.’
— Lucy B

Writing for wellbeing (also known as reflective, therapeutic or expressive writing) is an easy way to make time for yourself to reflect, gain some perspective and dig down into your own stories to find your voice, build your confidence and get in touch again with the person you may have forgotten you are.